Quick Start Guide for Teachers - Student Results

The Learning Analytics (LA) Suite is a collection of data components which make viewing and analysing school data more efficient. This guide will focus on locating data related to students and classes.

Logging On

The LA Suite can be accessed on any web browser by navigating to the address supplied by your school and using your school username and password to sign in.

The Main Menu

Once you have signed in you will see that the main menu is located on the left-hand side of the screen (below the school crest). From the main menu you will be able to access information about students, subjects and cohorts.

Student Results

You will use the Student Results area to find student specific data related to internal academic, pastoral, and external assessment performance.

To begin, click Student Results to expand the menu and then click School Results. Alternatively, you may use the Locate Student button from the list of Quick Link icons.

Student Results - School Results

Data related to the students’ internal school results (overall and criteria results) is accessed through School Results.

Use the Find Student component at the top of the screen and enter either a Student ID, Family Name, and / or Given Name. Click Find Students. If more than one student is found, click the green arrow corresponding to the correct student and then click Load Student.

School Results - Academic Summary

The first data set displayed is the Academic Summary.

The Student Details (1) component displays personal data about the student such as Date of Entry (DoE), House, and LUI. This component also shows the latest available GPA and Engagement results, as well as a summary of External Assessment results. You can click Print Student Profile to create a Student Profile in PDF format.

The Current Enrolment (2) component displays the student’s enrolment in the current period. If available, you can click on the subject to email the student’s teacher.

The Transcript (3) component displays the subject results (both academic and engagement) for all available result periods. The result from the most recent period is displayed first. The arrow indicates how the subject result compares to the previous subject result.

The GPA History (4) component displays the student’s overall Grade Point Average (GPA) and overall Engagement Average for the result period. Clicking Show Cohort Comparison will add the average GPA achieved by the cohort.

The last two components on the Academic Summary tab are the GPA History component and the Engagement History component.

The GPA History (5) component displays the student’s overall GPA for all available result periods. Click Cohort GPA to overlay the average result for the cohort for each period.

The Engagement History Chart (6) component displays the student’s overall Engagement for all available result periods. Click Cohort Engagement to overlay the average result for the cohort.

Academic Detail and Continual Report

Use the blue menu bar below the Current Enrolment (2) to view the Academic Detail or Continual Report sections.

The Academic Detail section lets you explore student academic achievement in greater detail. Use this area to see how a student performed in a specific subject in a specific result period or over time.

The Continual Report section allows you to view assessment item level results for the selected student.

Academic Detail and Continual Report

The GPA Comparison Summary Chart (above) is in the Academic Detail section. It uses Box and Whisker Charts to allow you to see the academic performance of the selected student in each subject versus the cohort.

Box and Whisker (Box Plots) Charts

The Box and Whisker chart is commonly used in statistical analysis to show the distribution of a dataset. The outside bars (Min X and Max X) represent the minimum and maximum values. 25% of results fall below Q1 (the lower quartile) and 25% of results fall above Q3 (the higher quartile). The students result is represented by the blue dot.

The Student Subject History Chart is also in the Academic Detail section. To view the student’s performance in a subject over time, select the subject from the Subject Grouping dropdown and click the Plus Button to the side.

A line showing the student’s academic performance in the selected subject will be added to the chart. Multiple subjects can be added to the same chart.

To remove a subject from the chart, click the Cross Button located in the table below the chart.

Student Results - Pastoral Results

Data related to the student’s behaviour and pastoral performance is found in the Pastoral Results area.

This area can be selected through the Main Menu or by clicking the Go To Pastoral Results link on the blue menu bar.

If you are selecting from the Main Menu you will need to search for and select a student. If you are selecting from the blue menu bar the data for the current student will be displayed.

This section includes areas for Incidents, Goals, Absences, and Behaviour.


The Engagement History Chart (7) shows the student’s Engagement result as it changes over time. Engagement is an average of the results entered by all teachers for all individual behaviour results.

The Engagement Comparison Summary Chart (8) uses Box and Whisker Charts to allow you to see the Engagement results for the selected student in each subject versus the cohort.

The Behaviour Analysis Chart (9) shows the number of results a student has received for each behavioural criterion in the selected result period.


The Absence Details table lists the number and types of absences for the selected student. You may choose to show all absence types or select a specific category from the dropdown menu.

The Absence History chart displays the student’s absences and late arrivals over the past three years (broken down by month). The user may choose to display all absence types or a specific category.


The Incident Details table lists the number of incidences for the student. The user may choose to show all incident types or select a specific category.

Incident History by Month charts the student’s incidences over the past three years (broken down by month). You may also choose to display just one specific calendar year or one specific category.

Incident History by Time charts the student’s incidences over the past three years (broken down by time of day).


If the Goals feature is enabled, the student’s goals and strategies will be displayed in this area.

Student Results - External Results 

Student results from external assessment items (from providers such as NAPLAN, ACER, ICAS, and AAS) are available in the External Results section.

The Assessment Results (10) table allows you to view all available external results for the selected students. Move between assessment providers by selecting the provider from the dropdown menu.

Student Position in School (11) shows the student’s ranking in Literacy and Numeracy relative to their cohort. The ranking is calculated based on external assessment items as set up by the Learning LA Suite administrator.

The Result History chart (12) shows the student’s results for the selected assessment item over time. The student’s results are in blue, whilst the cohort’s average result is in red. Different assessment items and sections may be chosen using the dropdown fields.

The Result Distribution chart (13) uses Box and Whisker Charts to show the performance of the selected student in each section of the selected external assessment item.

The Student Rank in School chart (14) shows the student’s position relative to their cohort in the assessment item. The green line represents the average result. Hovering the mouse pointer over a result bar will show the student’s name and result.

Student Results - Student Profile

Data shown in the School Results, Pastoral Results and External Results areas can be combined on a single report. This area may be accessed from the Main Menu or the blue menu bar. A report can also be printed directly from the Student Details component.