Introduction to Class Placemat

The Class Placemat summarises key class data for the teacher’s review.

  1. Select the Year Level, Subject and Class, then click Find.
  2. Students are grouped based on their previous end of semester result in the subject (into A’s, B’s, etc.) These groups have been set up by TrackOne Studio, however they are customisable. That is, results need not necessarily be sorted into A’s, B’s, etc. Please contact TrackOne Studio for assistance with this setup.
  3. Teachers can then reflect on the results of each of these student groups. They can comment on factors restricting success, then set strategies for improvement. They may either type directly into the blank fields provided or print the Placemat and hand-write in these boxes.
  4. Click Print Class Placemat to print the PDF.
  5. The students’ results are also displayed in the Class Rankings and Differentiation table. The number of A+’s (for instance) is listed, as well as the percentage of results that this represents. The teacher can enter their targets underneath using the blank fields provided.
  6. The Student Details fields may be brought through onto this page as colour-coded flags. The legend is displayed beneath the students’ results and the flag is positioned to the left of the student’s name.
  7. The Placemat highlights students who are ‘at risk’ (academically, pastorally or attendance-wise).
    o A student need not be ‘at risk’ in each area. Falling below any one of the cut-offs will cause a student to appear in this table.
    o TrackOne Studio has set up default academic, pastoral and attendance cut-offs. However, these are customisable. Please contact TrackOne Studio for assistance with this setup
    o The results in the table may be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Clicking the heading once will order the data from highest to lowest. Clicking the heading again will order to data from lowest to highest.

  8. External assessment results are displayed as a heat map. The colour-coding will depend on the cut-offs that have been set up.

    o  TrackOne Studio has entered some default NAPLAN cut-offs. However, the school may set up their own cut-offs for any external assessment item. Please contact TrackOne Studio for assistance with this setup.

    o  The results in the table may be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Clicking the heading once will order the data from highest to lowest. Clicking the heading again will order to data from lowest to highest.

  9. The teacher may enter academic, pastoral or any other notes pertaining to their class. This may be useful in handover situations. They may either type directly into the blank fields provided or print the Placemat and hand-write their notes.
    o  Clicking the heading again will order to data from lowest to highest.