My Students' Wellbeing

The Class Wellbeing section of the suite allows staff mentors or supervisors to view the state of a student’s current wellbeing as measured by a wellbeing survey. The My Students section allows a teacher/mentor to view their allocated students’ wellbeing responses.

  1. A staff mentor will be able to view their students in the My Student Mentees section.
  2. The Student Pathway Status is shown. It will be set to not started, started, or submitted .
  3. Teachers can view a student’s wellbeing responses by clicking on the View link to the right of the student name.
  4. Teachers may have been granted permission by the TrackOne School Administrator to reset a student’s current survey responses.

Student Management

  1. Choose the Student Management tab on the horizontal blue menu bar. If you don’t have this option, talk to your TrackOne School administrator.
  2. Set the required Pathway, Year Level or Pastoral Care Class.
  3. The students in the chosen Year Level will be listed alphabetically in the Student Management table.
  4. The Student Wellbeing Survey Status is shown. It will be set to not started, started or submitted.
  5. Supervisors can view a student’s wellbeing survey responses by clicking on the View link to the right of the student name.
  6. Supervisors can reset a student’s wellbeing survey responses by clicking on the Restart arrow.