Subject Analysis
The Subject Results area contains an academic summary of students in a particular subject.
- The blue menu bar enables the user to move between the areas within Subject Analysis. However, this blue bar is used differently to that in previous components. The pages will refresh as the user moves between tabs (meaning the subject will not stay the same). The first tab looks at Subjects Over Time, tracing how the same group of students have performed in subjects over the years.
- Select the cohort and result period (e.g. the Year 12s of Semester One 2020) for analysis. There is the option to view results for the entire cohort (by selecting All Subjects) or for a particular group. For instance, the user may wish to look at the Year 12s of Semester One 2020, though only those who took Chemistry.
Note: In this step, the user is only selecting which students they wish to include. They will not necessarily be analysing the Chemistry results. - There is the option to filter the students (by sex, House, etc.) Click the ‘+’ icon next to Additional Filter Options to expand the menu.
Subject Analysis
Choose the subject (or basket) results from the drop-down menu and click the Add Subject for Analysis button.
Note: In this step the user is choosing which results they wish to analyse. In Step 1 they may have selected the Year 12s of Semester One, 2020 who were enrolled in Chemistry. In this step, they may select ‘English’ to see how this particular Chemistry cohort has performed in English over time.There is the option to select either a subject or a basket. A basket groups multiple subjects within a specific field. The application will then average the results across the subjects included. Examples of common subject baskets are listed below:
o Science: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, etc.
o English: English, English Extension, English Communication, etc.
o Maths: Mathematical Methods, Specialist Maths, General Maths etc.
Multiple subjects/baskets may be displayed on the chart at one time. Simply return to the drop-down in step 3 and click the Add Subject for Analysis button.A list of the subjects/baskets chosen will appear below the graph. Remove a subject by clicking on the ‘x’ icon beside it.
Subject Result Analysis
The second tab on the blue menu bar is Subject Result Analysis. This shows the distribution of results (spread of A’s, B’s, C’s, etc.) for a particular subject.
- Use the blue menu bar to move to Subject Result Analysis.
- Select the cohort and result period (e.g. the Year 12s of Semester One 2020) for analysis. There is the option to view results for the entire cohort (by selecting All Subjects) or for a particular group. For instance, the user may wish to look at the Year 12s of Semester One, 2020, though only those who took Chemistry.
Note: In this step, the user is only selecting which students they wish to include. They will not necessarily be analysing the Chemistry results. - There is the option to include or exclude students who have left the school.
- There is then the option to view combined results or results separated by sex.
- Click Create Report.
- Click the ‘+’ icon for each subject to view the distributions for each individual class.
- These results may be exported out into Excel.
Subject Leaders
The third tab on the green menu bar is Subject Leaders. This component lists the highest performing students within each subject for a particular period.
- Use the blue menu bar to move to Subject Leaders.
- Select the cohort and result period (e.g. the Year 12s of Semester One 2020) for analysis and click Add.
Note: More than one result period may be selected – simply return to the Result Period drop down and click Add to include an additional period.
Each individual period may also be assigned a weight. For instance, the user may wish to view the Year 12 subject leaders based on results from both Semester One and Two, 2020. However, they may wish to weight Semester Two more highly (which would affect the subject leaders calculation). - Once a period has been Added, it will appear in the corresponding table. Click Calculate to view the highest and second highest performing students.
- Click a student’s ID number to view their individual student page
- These results may be exported out into Excel.
Subject Listing
The fourth tab on the blue menu bar is Subject Listing. This component lists the enrolment data for each subject for a particular period.
- Use the blue menu bar to move to Subject Listing.
- Select the cohort and result period (e.g. the Year 12s of Semester Two 2020).
- The enrolment data for each available subject during that period will be shown. Users would expect for subjects like English to have an enrolment percentage of close to 100, as the majority of students would be taking this subject.
- These results may be exported out into Excel.