The Reports area allows the user to download PDF or Excel reports. 

Pastoral Cohort Reports → Cohort Engagement History

The Cohort Engagement History export includes, for each student, the engagement for all available reporting periods and the latest external assessment results. This is downloaded in Excel format.

  1. The blue menu bar enables the user to move between the areas within Pastoral Cohort Reports. The pages will refresh as the user moves between tabs (meaning the cohort will not stay the same). The first tab allows the user to download a Cohort Engagement History.
  2. Select the cohort.
  3. Click Create Report.
  4. The following excel spreadsheet will be generated. This report summarises the cohort’s:
  • Engagement results for all available result periods; and
  • The latest available External Assessment data.

Note: Only primary external assessment criteria will be included.

Pastoral Cohort Reports → Cohort Pastoral Summary

The second tab on the blue menu bar is Cohort Summary, which lists the students’ additional details, their behavioural data, absences, incident data and their latest NAPLAN results. 

1. Use the blue menu bar to move to Cohort Pastoral Summary.

2. Select the cohort and the relevant result period (The example above looks at the Year 12s of Semester One 2020).

3. Click Create Report.


An Excel spreadsheet will be generated. This report summarises:

  • The students’ additional details;
  • The students’ behavioural data for the selected reporting period;
  • The students’ latest available NAPLAN results; and
  • A students’ absence and incident data if available.

Pastoral Cohort Reports → Cohort Incident Summary

The third tab on the blue menu bar is Cohort Incident Summary, which provides a detailed breakdown of the incident data for the selected cohort for the selected time period. 

1. Use the blue menu bar to move to Cohort Incident Summary.

2. Select the cohort and the required subject or subjects.

3. Enter the time period required with a start and end date.

4. Click Create Report.

5. An Excel spreadsheet will be generated.

Pastoral Cohort Reports → Pathway Detail Report


The fourth tab on the blue menu bar is Pathway Detail Report (My Goals or My Wellbeing) which produces an Excel report for the specified pathway and year level. It contains all available pathway responses per student and is designed to be further filtered and edited in Excel prior to use.

  1. Use the blue menu bar to move to Pathway Detail Report.
  2. Select the stream (Goal Setting or Wellbeing) and the required pathway and year level.
  3. Click Create Report.
  4. An Excel spreadsheet will be generated.