Academic Mentoring - Staff Mentor Portal View
Modified on: Thu, 23 Apr, 2020 at 3:43 PM
Viewing Students' Goal Setting

- Login to the Learning Analytics Suite using your network username and password.
- On the left-hand side menu choose Class Tools > Class Goals.
- Choose the current Pathway and Year Level.
- Your student Mentees will be listed alphabetically in a table.
- The table shows the current status of each student’s goal setting.
Approving a Students' Goal Setting

- When a student has submitted their pathway goal setting, their status will change to Approve. To approve a student’s goal setting, click on the Approve link.
- To view a student’s progress before they submit, click on the View link.
- Clicking on the Approve or View link will result in the student’s pathway being displayed as shown below.

- A ‘Notes’ section holds any notes entered by the student or mentor.
- To add a note to the student, click on Add Note.
- The status of the submission is displayed.
- The mentor has the option to print the pathway.
- At the bottom of the student’s pathway are three options.
- If the mentor believes that the student needs to put more work into their pathway or if they need to change a specific area, then they can click on the orange Revise button. A text informing the student will be automatically sent to them.
- The mentor can enter a note to the student. They can also choose another audience for the note.
- If the mentor is concerned about responses in the student’s goal setting, they can refer the pathway to the staff members who are supervising the goal setting. To do this they would click on the red Refer button.
- If the mentor is happy with the student’s goal setting, then they click on the green Approve button. An automatic email is sent to the student informing them that their submission has been approved.

Supervisors View of a Goal Setting

- On the left-hand side menu choose Class Tools > Class Goals.
- The pathways supervisor(s) will see an extra tab to the page, Student Management.
- Choose the relevant pathway and year level.
- All the students for the year level chosen will be displayed.
- The supervisor can see the status of all the students and can restart a student’s goal setting.
- The supervisor can search for a student.
- The supervisor can save the pathway status report as an Excel spreadsheet.
- The supervisor can print the pathway status report.
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