At the beginning of each year, and at the beginning of each timetable term/semester, there are few areas that need administering in your site to ensure the Suite is running smoothly.
The TrackOne Studio support team carefully reviews your instance of the Learning Analytics Suite at the beginning of each year to ensure to ensure it is ready for new year set up. As every year and every school is a little different, please read the following and check that each area has been checked by your team, and changes made accordingly.
Note that some sections may not be relevant to you.
If you have any questions or concerns at all, contact our support team via:
Phone: 07 3831 6590
Email: [email protected]
On this page:
2. Archive the Previous Year Levels (TASS schools only)
7. Subject Creation (Synergetic schools only)
9. Markbook Setup (for schools syncing results in from Schoolbox/Canvas)
1. School Calendar SetupConfiguration > School > School Calendar Setup: School Semester Terminology |
This table maps your terms/semesters to ensure that the correct class enrolments are displayed in the Suite. Review the time period names, term or semester numbers, the from and to dates, and the associated year levels.
If you need to edit the information, click the edit icon or click New to add a new period of time.
Note the following:
- Term or semester set up should match your timetable set up within your Student Management System. If your timetable runs on a 'semesterly' basis, only enter semester dates here.
- These dates control which classes display, so school holiday dates can be included so that class information displays even during the holiday periods. It does not necessarily need to match your school term dates directly.
- The date ranges should cover the entire year and cannot overlap. The end of one term should correspond to the beginning of the next (leaving no gaps in the date ranges).
2. Archive the Previous Year Levels (TASS schools only)Configuration > Year Levels > Archive Year Levels |
This task has likely already been performed by the TrackOne team during the annual license maintenance check, but if not, you will need to perform this action.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you have completed the Student Rollover in TASS BEFORE performing this step. If this is not done first, student results will show out of order in TrackOne.
Also note that the TASS Student rollover should not occur until academic reports have been archived correctly. If not done properly, students will show in the wrong year level in TrackOne and the TASS support team will need to correct the issue (at school's cost).
- Select 'Manage Student Year Levels'
- In the 'Valid Result Periods' table, click Edit for each result period where Valid = blank.
Click Update
Ensure there is a 'Y' entry in the Valid column for each result period. - Have you rolled Student Year Levels yet: Yes - School Year is 2024
Generate for Result Year(s): All Years
Click 'Generate Year Levels' then 'OK'.
This may take several minutes to complete.
3. Result MappingAnalytics Setup > Overall Result > Criteria / Engagement / Behaviour |
This area of the Suite ensures that the application can map all the results (overall, criteria, engagement, and behaviour) you record in your Student Information System.
If you are planning to record academic or behavioural results differently this year (for any year level) you should review the mappings in this area.
Remember, in most cases, if a result is not appearing in the Suite, then the mapping is missing from this area. As this area of the Suite can be particularly complex you may wish to consult with the Help Desk before making any changes.
4. Period MaintenancePeriod Setup > Period Management |
Maintain your result periods here, such as which users should see which periods, the order they should display, and the name of the period as you want them to appear in the Suite.
If not properly maintained, results may appearing incorrectly, out of order, and potentially visible to the wrong people.
Ensure that:
- All reporting periods available in your Student Information System have been added.
- Each reporting period is ordered correctly.
- The reporting periods access is set correctly for teacher, parent, and student access.
Tip: Use the Period Filtering screen to list any result periods that do not need to display at all within the Suite.
5. Subject WeightingsSubject Setup > Subject Weightings |
If you use subject weightings in the calculation of your GPA, ensure that any these have been set for the new result periods.
First select a result period in the top table, then set the GPA Properties for each year level. Weightings can be copied from a previous result period by using the ‘Copy Properties’ option.
Repeat for all result periods.
Administration - Subject Setup - Subject Weightings
6. Subject LinkingSubject Setup > Subject Linking |
This area looks after the direct and indirect links between subject codes so that student result trends can be established for subject areas.
![]() | Use this icon to view and add subjects to a group. |
![]() | Use this icon to access options, and also to add soft-links to subjects. |
If you have any new subjects being offered, ensure they appear in this list.
Check also that, once created, they are added to the correct Subject Baskets (if applicable).
- If you find any subjects with inconsistent longitudinal data or missing historical periods, this is the place to look.
- Export the Subject Links list via the excel icon for a breakdown of Subject Links, Subject Baskets, Unlinked Subjects, and Duplicate Subjects.
Administration - Subject Setup - Linking Subjects
7. Subject Creation (Synergetic schools only)Subject Setup > Subject Creation |
**This area is only relevant to schools running the Synergetic Student Information System.
This is where TrackOne is told which classes belong to which subject, as this concept is not sent from Synergetic.
TrackOne analyses incoming classes and does its best to allocate classes to subjects, but occasionally new classes can be allocated to the wrong subjects. Review the list of subjects and ensure the classes within each subject are correct.
If you are seeing unexpected classes showing when filtering by subject throughout the suite, such as ‘Class Summary’, it is an indication that maintenance in this area may be required.
8. User ManagementUser Management > Users |
Review the list of staff, student, and parent accounts to ensure the correct people have access to the Suite, and at the correct permission level.
If you are using the automated user sync feature then new staff, students, and parents (depending upon your setup) will automatically be created or removed as syncs from your Student Information System occur.
If you are not using the automated user sync feature, you will need to remove users manually and use the Bulk User Synchronise tool to import new users.
9. Markbook Setup (for schools syncing results in from Schoolbox/Canvas)Administration > Configuration > Continuous |
**This area is only relevant to schools with Schoolbox or Canvas syncs.
Add new Markbooks for the coming semester. You can use the Copy function, then edit the details.
If you are pushing results into another system, after the next Schoolbox/Canvas sync occurs, check the Criteria Comparison screen to make sure that all your subjects are showing and match the codes set up in your Administration system.
**Important: Your Schoolbox results that appear in TrackOne Markbooks must be locked at the end of each year. All schools are emailed notification about this in November/December. If you are unsure if this has occurred, please contact the TrackOne support team.
10. Continuous SetupAdministration > Configuration > Continuous > Integrate Continuous Period |
If you are displaying continuous results and mapping these back to a live GPA, update the mappings for the new semester.
Continuous Results Display in TrackOne
11. General SetupAdministration > General Setup |
Review the following areas and update if any areas have changed within your Student Information System:
- Absence Settings
- Incident Groupings
- Outcome Groupings
- Focus Students
- User Fields (TASS schools only)
Other general checks:
- Are your student photos displaying in TrackOne correctly?
Admin > School > School Information tab - Have you entered helpful home screen messages to each user group (Staff, Students, Parents)?
Admin > Configuration > Messages - Have you set up outbound links to move directly to a student profile screen in your Student Information System?
Admin > General Setup > Link Management > Outbound Links To Students (for teachers) tab - Are you changing subject codes or objective codes this year? If so, have you updated your schemas mappings?
Schools using the Schoolbox or Canvas sync must inform the TrackOne support team, as developmental changes will be required.
Admin > Analytics Setup - Review the general site settings and options to personalise your Suite preferences.
Admin > Configuration > Application > Activate Features and Display Options - Have you uploaded all external assessment results, and enabled them to be viewed by each of your Roles?
Admin > External Assessment - Have you set up Scheduled Tasks/Alerts?
Analytics > Reports > Scheduled Task / Scheduled Alert
If you have any questions about any of these items, reach out to the support team.