What should be a celebration of student achievement can often end up as a chore for academic and pastoral leaders. 

Manual data manipulation and complex Excel sheets give way to potential mistakes, and prevent deserving students from being recognised for their efforts. 

The TrackOne Studio Awards Module allows you to replicate your school’s existing award rules and parameters, digitising the process and keeping results consistent. 

With alerts for missing data, the module ensures that findings are comprehensive, securely processing information directly from your school’s systems - at the push of a button.


Keep your awards criteria consistent even as key staff members change and ensure that findings are always accurate, with alerts for missing data. 


Eliminate manual handling that can lead to mistakes and ensure all students are recognised for their efforts. 


Set custom parameters for academic, house, and pastoral data, allowing you to cover multiple award types.

Generate accurate award recipients in 3 easy steps.

  1. Work one-on-one with the TrackOne Studio team to scope out your award requirements, mapping thresholds and unique parameters for each award type.

  2. It’s awards time! Create a new awards ‘run’ by selecting the data sets needed to calculate awards on-the-fly.
  3. Push the button!
    Sit back while the Learning Analytics Suite generates awards, and identifies the students who have excelled in your chosen criteria.

Contact the TrackOne team to learn more about the Academic Awards Module.