This document outlines the screens that are used to manage the synchronisation of data from TrackOne into your SIS (Student Information System), eg TASS, Synergetic.
Please ensure you have read Markbook in TrackOne - Overview first.
Usual flow:
- Administrators: Set up Markbooks in TrackOne
- Administrators/Teachers: Check that the TrackOne Class Markbooks display results correctly to match the data in your LMS (Schoolbox/Canvas).
- Administrators: Visit the Criteria Comparison screen to check that TrackOne knows where to sync data to in your SIS.
- Teachers: Moderate and submit their Class Markbooks in TrackOne (dependent on the Markbook set up).
- Leaders: Review and approve teacher’s Class Markbook submissions (optional).
- Leaders/Administrators: Sync the TrackOne Class Markbook data into your SIS (not required if an automatic sync has been set up).
This document explains the screens that will be used in steps 3, 5 & 6.
On this page:
- Criteria Comparison screen
- Markbook Submission screen
- Markbook Sync screen
- Troubleshooting
A note about Moderation
Some schools require teachers to moderate results directly in the TrackOne Class Markbooks, and/or enter additional custom information.
Once teachers have completed this for a class, they 'Submit' the Class Markbook to indicate that moderation is complete and the Markbook results are ready to be synchronised to the Student Information System.
If moderation in Class Markbooks is not required at your school, some of the columns on the screens discussed are not relevant and can be ignored.
Criteria Comparison |
TrackOne must know exactly where to insert result information into your SIS. During the initial set up process, your school provided information about where result data should be sent for each of your subjects. This is usually by code (eg Objective Code 'S1R', 'S2R') or matching text ('Task 1', 'Task 2').
The Criteria Comparison screen displays the results of the matching process, and whether items are 'valid' or 'invalid' and can therefore be successfully synchronised into your SIS.
The Criteria Comparison screen is the place to check how the data in TrackOne Markbooks matches with fields in your SIS.
When should you check the Criteria Comparison?
At the start of every reporting period, and a few times throughout the reporting period.
Once your reporting period is set up in your Learning Management System, a corresponding Markbook should be set up in TrackOne in Administration > Configuration > Continuous > Markbook setup.
Which items from a Markbook will be inserted into the SIS?
This is initially set up by the TrackOne team during the implementation process. Maintenance of subsequent Markbooks is then done by the school's TrackOne administrator in Administration > Configuration > Continuous
Note that any changes to your codes (Subject or result codes) may need to be updated by the TrackOne development team, so it is important to communicate any changes to your subjects or codes as early as possible to ensure that reporting processes are not held up.
Analytics > Class Markbook > Criteria Comparison Required Permission: “Markbook – Manage Codes” |
Select a Markbook and Year Level [1].
The following image shows data matching with the TASS SIS:
The Criteria Comparison table is divided into two sections:
- the Continuous Sync section [2] on the left and
- the SIS Match section [3] on the right.
The Continuous Sync section displays a list of subjects for which data will be synchronised.
Year Level | Year level |
Subject Code | Subject code |
Subject Description | Subject description |
Class | The class identifier eg A, B, 1, 2 |
Activity Name [4] | The name of the activity, if activity information is being synchronised. N/A if not applicable. |
Matched on Activity [5] | 'True' if the item should match at or within the activity level, 'False' if not. |
Match Type [6] | Identifies the type of match expected by the Student Information System.
Criteria Description | The name of the criteria. |
The SIS Match section displays the details of matching information from the SIS.
To successfully synchronise data from the Markbook to the SIS, a valid criteria match must be found.
Matching SIS Criteria [7] | Displays the matched criteria from the SIS, such as the code or the matching text. This is where the result for the item will be inserted. |
Is Valid | True: a match has been found in the SIS False: no match has been found in the SIS. Note that some subjects may show an invalid response which can be ignored if the data for that item does not need to be synchronised. Tip: The filter at the top of the screen displays 'All Items' by default, and this can be changed to 'Valid Items' and 'Invalid Items' to filter the list accordingly. |
Matched on Subject [8] | The subject code in the SIS for which the item will be synchronised. If no match is found, 'Not matched on Subject Code' displays. |
Matched on Year Level | The year level of the subject match. This is dependent on the subject set up in your SIS, and may not display any meaningful information. |
Match # | The number of matches found for the item. |
Recommended Action [9] | Where a matching SIS code is not found, a suggestion is made on how to correct the problem. |
The following image shows data matching with the Synergetic SIS:
Markbook Submission |
The Markbook Submission screen is designed for Heads of Department and Supervisors to allow them to monitor and manage the submission status of Class Markbooks prior to synchronising results into the SIS.
Where no moderation is required, users can skip straight to the Markbook Sync screen.
Analytics > Class Markbook > Markbook Submission Required Permission: “Markbook – Head of Faculty – Manage Status” |
Select a Year level and a Markbook.
Revert Class Submission | The revert symbol displays for classes in which the teacher has clicked the 'Submit' button. Once teachers have submitted a Class Markbook they can no longer edit the results. This button allows the administrator to open the Markbook back up to them so they can make further edits, and the status of the Markbook becomes 'Not Submitted', until they submit again. |
Faculty | Faculty, or department, of class. |
Subject Code | Subject code |
Subject | Subject description |
Class Code | Class code |
Teacher | Teacher code for the class |
Submission Status | Submitted: The teacher has clicked the 'Submit' button in the Class Markbook screen. Not Submitted: The 'Submit' button has not been actioned in the Class Markbook. |
Markbook | Open the class's Markbook: View Submission: View the submitted Markbook. Edit Submission: Edit the Submitted Markbook. View Unsubmitted Results: View the unsubmitted Markbook. |
Approved by Leader | Administrators can tick this box to indicate that the submitted Class Markbook has been reviewed and approved. This is an optional step and does not prevent the submitted Markbook from being synced to the Student Information System. |
Markbook Sync |
The Markbook Sync page is designed to allow users to manage the process of transferring Markbook results to the school’s Student Information System.
This page should only be used by trained staff in consultation with the TrackOne Studio Help Desk.
Analytics > Class Markbook > Markbook Sync Required Permission: “Markbook – Manual Synchronisation” |
Select a Year level and a Markbook.
Sync | Tick the Sync box to indicate which classes should be synced to the Student Information System. ** There is a checkbox to the top right of the table to select all submitted classes: 'Select all submitted subjects for Sync' |
Faculty | Faculty, or department, of class. |
Subject Code | Subject Code |
Subject | Subject description |
Class Code | Class code |
Teacher | Teacher code for the class |
Submission Status | Submitted: The teacher has clicked the 'Submit' button in the Class Markbook screen. Not Submitted: The 'Submit' button has not been actioned in the Class Markbook. Note: If the Markbook Type (see Administration > Configuration > Continuous - Markbook Setup) is set to 'Teacher Moderation', only those classes which have a status of 'Submitted' can be synchronised with the school’s Student Information System. |
Last Sync Status | Displays the status of the most recent sync. No Results to Process: Finished with Errors: Finished with Unmatched Results: Never Synced: Finished: |
Last Synced | The data and time that the most recent sync occurred. |
Sync Notes | Displays information notes about the sync, including: Date synced Status Synced by user code Total Markbook Results Items Added Items Updated Items Skipped Unsubmitted Items Unmatched Items Items Errored |
Synchronise results:
- Select the class or classes to be included in the sync by either ticking the checkbox corresponding to the class/es, or by ticking the “Select all submitted subjects for sync” checkbox located above the table to the right.
- Scroll to the bottom of the table
- Select the Student Information System result period that these the Markbook results will be synchronised into.
This was previously set up in the Administration Markbook setup area, but can be adjusted prior to the synchronisation if required. - Review the Sync Options.
These options were previously set up in the Administration Markbook setup area and cannot be adjusted from the Markbook Synchronisation screen. If changes are required they must be done so in Administration > Configuration > Continuous > Markbook Setup. - Synchronise Results
Note, once started, the synchronisation of results cannot be reversed.
- Review the results of the sync in the Synchronisation Status column and Sync Notes column.
A Markbook can be synchronised multiple times as required. |
- Check that the regular sync from your LMS into TrackOne is successfully occurring:
Check Administration > Data Synchronisation > [LMS] Sync Setup > Sync Log Files. If syncs are occurring at the required frequency, click on the book icon to open the sync log to look for any errors or warnings.
If you are unable to understand an issue, reach out to the TrackOne support team for assistance.
- Check that Markbooks have been set up for the reporting period correctly:
Check Administration > Configuration > Continuous > Markbook setup
Tip: There is a 'Copy' function to duplicate an existing Markbook, which should then be edited with the new details.
- Have results been finalised or published in your LMS?
These don't usually display in TrackOne until 'published' or approved in your LMS.
- Why are there subjects missing from the Criteria Comparison screen?
Have they been excluded in the Markbook set up? - Has the correct 'Synchronisation Reporting Period' been set in the Markbook setup?
- Have the correct 'Synchronisation Options' been selected in the Markbook setup?