This document outlines the Markbook set up in TrackOne.

Please ensure you have read Markbook in TrackOne - Overview first.

Markbooks are set up in TrackOne to manage the information from your Learning Management System (LMS), and how this information should be sent onto your Student Information System (SIS).

Initial Markbooks are set up for you as part of the implementation process, with ongoing maintenance done by the school's TrackOne administrator.

Administration > Configuration > Continuous

  • Click New to set up a new Markbook from scratch
  • Select a Markbook via the green arrow, then click Copy to copy all components of theMarkbook.
    Tip: Markbooks are often copied from one year to the next, then the details edited

Why might we need to set up several Markbooks?
 - TrackOne Markbooks draw class lists from your SIS timetable periods, so Markbooks are usually set up to correspond to these periods.
 - If you are 'pushing' results from the TrackOne Markbook into your SIS, separate Markbooks are required if there are separate reporting periods set up in your SIS, as each TrackOne Markbook can push only to a single reporting period.
 - Separate semester Markbooks are usually set up so that results are calculated based on the activities completed within each semester. Alternatively, Markbooks might be set up to combine assessments from both semesters in order to work out the combined subject result.

Markbook Setup

  • Markbook Name: Enter a descriptive title for the Markbook. This title displays to users, eg for staff in Analytics > Class Markbook.

  • Markbook School Year: Enter the school year of the Markbook.

Markbook Type

As explained onscreen, this setting controls whether staff are able to moderate results for this Markbook.

Note that staff must have the associated Role permission: Markbook - Teacher Entry

Please note:

If you are synchronising result data from TrackOne into your SIS, you should select the same synchronisation method that you have used in previous Markbook setups. If you would like to change your synchronisation method, please contact TrackOne Studio for advice.

For the 'Automatic synchronisation with optional moderation' type, additional options outside the Suite must be enabled. Please discuss this with the TrackOne Studio team.

Year Levels in Markbook

  • Tick the year levels that should display in this Markbook.

Markbook Access

  • Tick this setting if the Markbook is required for a particular purpose by the administrator, but should not be seen by staff and students.
    Note: This is not usually ticked.

SIS Enrolment Period For Students

  • Choose the period from which your class enrolments will be drawn from.
    Markbook classes are based on your timetabled classes, regardless of the class lists that appears in your LMS.

LMS Assessment Periods

  • As explained onscreen, you might choose a single semester's activity results to display in this Markbook, or you might choose more than one.
    You will also select whether just academic data is drawn in (Summative Assessments) or if pastoral information is also to be drawn in (Pastoral Assessments).

Refine/Filter the work types included in this Markbook

  • During the initial setup, the TrackOne facilitator discussed which types of assessments should be drawn into TrackOne, and these requirements were coded accordingly. However, it is possible for you to further filter the types of activities that display in a Markbook, where more than one assessment type is being drawn in.

Assessment Task Ordering

  • Choose the order to display activities in this Markbook.

Moderation and Synchronisation Setup

This section only needs to be configured by schools who are pushing the result data into the schools information system.

Open for Moderation and Automatics Sync Dates

This area controls two functions:

  1. The dates between which staff are able to moderate results within this Markook.
  2. The dates for which automatic syncs will occur, if you have set up automatic synchronisation (as opposed to manual synchronisation).

Synchronisation Reporting Period

  • Choose the SIS reporting period that results from this Markbook will be synchronised into.
    Note: Only reporting periods already set up in your SIS will display here.

Synchronisation Options

  • Select the components which should sync from this Markbook.

The Criteria Comparison screen will only show the components that have been ticked here.

Validation Options

  • Sync the components that should be validated when the teacher submits the results for this Markbook.
    Note: Validation only checks that results that will be synchronised exist. It does not validate that individual assessment item results or assessment item criteria results exist.

LMS Activities - Handling ungradable activities (Not Assessed, Not Rated, Excluded)

  • Enter the rules to handle how any alternative results entered within the LMS should be synchronised.

Moderated results - Handling ungradable moderation fields (Not Assessed, Not Rated) 

  • Enter the rules to handle how any ungraded results should be synchronised.

Optional Configuration Options

While these settings allow a lot of control regarding your Markbooks, they are still largely dependent on how your Markbooks have been developed by the TrackOne team.
Any changes required to your Markbook templates, outside of the configurations available within the setup screens, requires custom development and may incur associated charges.

Some configuration may have been 'hardcoded' by the developers and cannot be controlled through the front end settings. Speak with the TrackOne team to discuss your requirements.