TrackOne Studio uses Microsoft SQL Server as the relational database back-end for the product. 



The below settings must be configured as follows for TrackOne Studio to function correctly:

Server CollationLatin1_General_CI_AS
Database CollationLatin1_General_CI_AS
Database Compatibility LevelNo higher than SQL Server 2014 (120)
Server Authentication ModeMixed (Windows and SQL)
Required Installation Components
  • Database Engine
  • SQL Server Management Studio
No other components are required by TrackOne Studio.



As part of a new TrackOne Studio installation, SQL Server will be installed and configured as per our recommended settings. A database account for the TrackOne Studio application will be created by the TASS Technical Services team.

Database naming

The database should be named in a logical manner.

If there are multiple schools, the databases should be named in a way that is clear and not ambiguous.                    

The school is responsible for informing TrackOne Studio representatives on the correct database to use prior to them conducting data work.

By default, we will assume that ‘TrackOne Studio’ is the school’s production database requiring the data work, and ‘test’ is the school’s testing database.


An SQL Server instance can be upgraded to a newer major release in the following ways:

  • Do it yourself: SQL Server versions can be upgraded by following the guidance published by Microsoft: Upgrade SQL Server Using the Installation Wizard.
  • TASS Technical Services: TASS can assist with deploying updates (chargeable). TASS recommends this approach if you are not experienced with deploying and maintaining SQL Server. 

Do not upgrade to a major release that is not supported by TASS.

Server Migrations

Assistance from the TASS Technical Services team is required if a database server migration is occurring. 

If TASS is performing the server migration services, SQL Server will be installed and configured as per our recommended settings, and a default maintenance plan will be created as per the guidance below.

Only a database user account for the TrackOne Studio application will be created. No other user accounts will be migrated and these will need to be reconfigured manually by the customer once the migration is complete. 

More information on installation can be found in the Installation and Migration Services (Self-Hosted) article. 

Maintenance and Support

For self-hosted customers, maintenance of the database server and SQL Server instance is the responsibility of the customers. This includes backups and patching.

For cloud-hosted customers, all maintenance and support is included. Please contact TASS Technical Services if assistance is required.

Recommended Maintenance

  • Daily full database and transaction log backups. 
  • Daily transaction log truncation to prevent disks from filling.


Self-hosted customers are responsible for providing their own SQL Server licensing. The per-core licensing model is recommended. 

Assistance with SQL Queries and Integrations

No assistance is provided with developing or using SQL queries, or other integrations that connect directly to the database.