Introduction to External Results

External Results provides a summary of students’ results from external providers (such as NAPLAN, ACER or ICAS). These results are not drawn from the school’s Student Information System. Instead, they are drawn from the external provider, then uploaded to the Analytics Suite.

Assessment Results

Assessment Results displays both current and historical external results. This area may be accessed from the main menu (below).

  1. The blue menu bar enables the user to move between the areas within External Results. The pages will refresh as the user moves between tabs (meaning the external assessment item will not stay the same). The first tab looks at Assessment Results.
  2. Select the provider, assessment item and calendar year, then click Find.
    (For instance, NAPLAN → NAPLAN Year 9 → 2020).
  3. There is the option to filter the students (by sex, House, etc.) Click the ‘+’ icon next to Additional Filter Options to expand the menu.
  4. Results may be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Clicking the heading once will order the data from smallest to largest. Clicking the heading again will order to data from largest to smallest.
  5. Clicking on an individual student’s ID will produce additional external result data below.
  6. There is the option to Enable Paging, which will display results as above. That is, a certain number of result rows will appear on the page at a time. Disabling this option will display results as below. That is, all results will be displayed on the page at once.

  7. These results may be exported out into Excel.

Cohort Monitoring

The second tab on the blue menu bar is Cohort Monitoring, which contains achievement data over time and distribution data at a single point in time.

  1. Use the blue menu bar to move to Cohort Monitoring.
  2. Year Group Progress illustrates the school’s performance on an external assessment item over time. It does not look at a single cohort of students, but rather how the school has performed on an assessment item longitudinally.
    Begin by selecting the provider, assessment item and section.
    o The green line represents the top student result for each calendar year.
    o The black line represents the median student performance for each calendar year.
    o The purple shading represents the mid quartile range for each calendar year.
    (The mid-quartile range is the difference between the 75th percentile result and the 25th percentile result. It indicates how spread out the middle section of the data set is).
    o The red line represents the bottom student result for each calendar year.
  3. Assessment Criteria Result Distribution illustrates the distribution of a cohort’s results for a particular criteria. That is, it looks at a particular cohort at a single point in time.
    Begin by selecting the provider, assessment item, calendar year and section.
    (For instance, NAPLAN → NAPLAN Year 9 → 2020 → Spelling).
    o  The example above illustrates the number of Year 9 students in 2020 who achieved a band result of 5, 6, etc.

Assessment History Monitoring

The third tab on the blue menu bar is Assessment History Monitoring, which contains achievement data over time.

  1. Use the blue menu bar to move to Assessment History Monitoring.
  2. Assessment History Monitoring illustrates the school’s performance on an external assessment item over time. That is, it does not look at a single cohort of students, but rather how the school has performed on an assessment item longitudinally.
    Begin by selecting the provider, assessment item and data type.
    (For instance, NAPLAN → NAPLAN Year 9 → NAPLAN Band).
    There is the option to plot the mid-quartile range.
    (The mid-quartile range is the difference between the 75th percentile result and the 25th percentile result. It indicates how spread out the middle section of the data set is).
  3. Select the section (e.g. Spelling), then click the ‘+’ icon.
    The user can select additional sections (e.g. Writing and Numeracy) for comparison. Select the section from the drop-down, then click the ‘+’ icon to add it to the chart.
  4. To remove a section from the chart, click the ‘x’ icon in the table below.