The Reports area allows the user to download PDF or Excel reports. 

Academic Cohort Reports → Cohort GPA History

The Cohort GPA History export includes, for each student, the GPA for all available reporting periods and the latest external assessment results. This is downloaded in Excel format.

  1. The blue menu bar enables the user to move between the areas within Academic Cohort Reports. The pages will refresh as the user moves between tabs (meaning the cohort will not stay the same). The first tab allows the user to download a Cohort GPA History.
  2. Select the cohort.
  3. Click Create Report.
  4. The following excel spreadsheet will be generated. This report summarises the cohort’s:
    • GPA results for all available result periods; and
    • The latest available External Assessment data.

Note: Only primary external assessment criteria will be included.

Academic Cohort Reports → Subject Summary Data

The second tab on the blue menu bar is Subject Summary Data, which lists the students’ additional details, their results in each subject at a particular point in time and their latest NAPLAN results. A result count for all subjects is also included. 

  1. Use the blue menu bar to move to Subject Summary Data.
  2. Select the cohort and subject, then the relevant result period. (The example above looks at the Year 12s of Semester One 2020.)
  3. There is the option to:
    • Include sub-criteria results; and
    • Split the subject result count into core and elective subjects.
  4. Click Create Report.
    • The students’ additional details;
    • The students’ subject result data for the selected reporting period;
    • The students’ latest available NAPLAN results; and
    • A result count for all subjects.

Academic Cohort Reports → Subject Criteria Data

The third tab on the blue menu bar is Subject Criteria Data, which provides a detailed breakdown of the distribution of overall and criteria results on a subject by subject basis for the selected cohort in the selected reporting period. 

  1. Use the blue menu bar to move to Subject Criteria Data.
  2. Select the cohort and the relevant result period.
  • The example above looks at the Year 12s of Semester One 2020.
  1. Click Create Report.
  2. An Excel spreadsheet will be generated. This report summarises:
  • A summary page which provides a percentage breakdown of the distribution of results on a per subject basis;
  • A separate worksheet for each subject showing the academic results achieved by all students in the subject in each criteria;
  • Student general information.

Academic Cohort Reports → Continuous Result Data

The fourth tab on the blue menu bar is Continuous Result Data, which returns the assessment item results and calculated overall results that each student, in the selected cohort, has achieved in each subject studied in the selected continuous result period.

  1. Use the blue menu bar to move to Continuous Result Data.
  2. Select the Year Level and the relevant result period.
    • The example above looks at the Year 11s of Unit One 2020.
  3. There is the option to:
    • Hide the assessment item level results; and
    • Include formative assessment items in the report.
  4. Click Create Report.
    • The student ID, Student Name, Subject Code, Subject Description, Activity Name and Result.