This document outlines the steps and available options to set up the Learning Analytics Suite for parent access.

  • Create a Parent security role. (Admin > User Management > Roles)
    Tick relevant parent permissions. Return to this screen to adjust as necessary.

  • Create a test parent. (Admin > User Management > Users > Parents)
    Enter a real parent code so that their child's details will display.

  • Log in as the test parent. (Check all other points on this list, as some other tasks may need to be completed first depending on your setup).
    Use a private window or different browser. Review all areas. Adjust permissions and options as required. Refresh to see results.

  • Enable result periods for parents. (Admin > Period Setup > Period Management)

  • Review: Parent Portal Options (Admin > Configuration > Portals > Parent Portal Options)
    Adjust as required.

  • Review: User Fields (Admin > General Setup > User Fields)
    These display in the 'Student Details' section.

  • Review: Messages (Admin > Configuration > Messages)
    This message displays on the Parent Portal Home screen.

  • Review: Activate Features and Display options (Admin > Configuration > Application > Activate Features and Display options)

  • Review: External assessments (Admin > External Assessment > Assessment Filtering)
    Tick which providers and their criteria should display in Parent Portal

  • Sync parents as per your preferred method. (Admin > User Management > Parents > Bulk User Synchronise  and/or  Admin > User Management > User Sync Setup)

  • TASS schools: Add links in TASS.web for display in Parent Lounge, or in Schoolbox / or other appropriate system/s.
    Refer to Link Management - Inbound and Outbound 


Summary of display sections available and their permissions and options.


Permission / Option

Academic Progress Menu
  • Roles: Student - Parent Gateway

Student Details

  • General Setup > User Fields
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Hide student absences
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Show academic and engagement snapshot trend
  • Roles: View Engagement with Learning

Current Enrolment list

  • Roles: Student - Parent Gateway Timetable
  • Application > Activate Features and Display Options: Display teacher name instead of code
Subject Summary
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Show Subject Summary


  • Roles: Student - Parent Gateway Timetable


  • Period Setup > Period Management
  • Application > Activate Features and Display Options: Display teacher name instead of code
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Hide previous subject result
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Hide previous subject mark
  • Roles: View Engagement with Learning
  • Roles: View Sub Criteria
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Hide previous engagement result

GPA History

  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Parent Portal Result Filtering - Hide ALL cohort comparison data
  • Application > Activate Features and Display Options: Show Engagement With Learning Indicator (where applicable)

GPA Comparison Summary

  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Parent Portal Result Filtering - Hide ALL cohort comparison data from parents (excluding external results - if available through portal)
  • Parent Portal Option: Hide GPA comparison summary chart label

Student subject history

  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Hide subject student history data labels
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Show grade on subject student history

Continuous Assessment

  • Parent - Continuous Assessment

Assessment Reflection

  • Parent - View Continuous Assessment Comments (in conjunction with Parent - Continuous Assessment)


*Pastoral Care menu
  • Roles: Student Gateway Pastoral
*Approach to Learning Comparison Summary
(box and whisker view) OR
Approach to Learning History
 (bar graph view)
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Hide Learning engagement comparison summary (switch from box and whisker plot to bar graph, no comparison view)
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Hide learning behaviour history data labels
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Show grade on learning behaviour history
Behaviour Analysis Chart
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Hide behaviour analysis chart
Absence History Chart OR
Absence Details (list)
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Parent Portal Absence Filtering - Remove grouped absences and absence counts from the portal view. A list of absences will be shown instead.
  • Portals > Parent Portal Option: Hide absence history chart
Incidents tab
  • Roles: Parent - View Pastoral Care Incidents (in conjunction with Student - Parent Gateway Pastoral)
Incident Details
  • Application > Activate Features and Display Options:
    - Show Incident Analysis
    - Show Progressive Outcome Analysis
    - Show Reporting Teacher
  • Roles: View Incident notes
Incident Analysis by Month
Incident Analysis by Time

  • Note that Award runs must be ‘finalised’ to display in the portal.
  • Parent - View Received Awards (in conjunction with Student - Parent Gateway Pastoral)


External Assessment: Assessment Results

  • Student - Parent Gateway External
  • External Assessment > Assessment Filtering

External Assessment: Result Distribution

  • Student - Parent Gateway External

External Assessment: Student Rank (In School)

  • Student - Parent Gateway External

Student Activities

  • Parent - View Extracurricular (in conjunction with Student - Parent Gateway Pastoral)

Soft Skills module

  • Parent - Access Soft Skills Module

Student Goals

  • Student - View Completed Goals

Goal History

  • Student - View Completed Goals


  1. Student - View Completed Wellbeing

Wellbeing History

  1. Student - View Completed Wellbeing