The Soft Skills module requires a separate license to be visible in your Learning Analytics Suite. 
Please contact the TrackOne team to obtain pricing.

There are many 'soft skills', or characteristics, gained by students through participation in extra-curricular and or additional activities.

This module allows those characteristics to be associated with the activities the students are involved with, and made visible to staff, students and parents.

Characteristics display, with optional points tracking:

Student Activities Profile spider graph:

Comprehensive list of student activity involvement and associated characteristics contribution:

This module relies on extra-curricular activity data existing in your Student Information System, eg TASS or Synergetic

Set up:

  • Upon purchase of the module, the TrackOne support team will license the Soft Skills module for your school.

  • Admin > Configuration > Application > Activate Features and Display Options - Soft Skills Setup: If you do not want to use the terminology 'Soft Skills' across your Suite, enter the preferred name.
  • Admin > Roles > User Management > Roles: assign the Soft Skills permissions to the appropriate users.
    You may want to set up permissions initially only for those involved in the set up, then return here once complete to enable other users to view the module.
    • Student - Access Soft Skills Module (Student access)
    • Student - Send Soft Skills Requests  (Student access) 
    • Parent - Access Soft Skills Module (Parent access)
    • Access Advanced Soft Skills Module (Teacher access)
    • Manage Soft Skills Requests (Supervisor access)
  • Admin > Soft Skills > Skill Categories: Enter the skill areas for which values will be recorded.

  • Admin > Soft Skills > Activity Setup: manage the Activity Types and scores for each activity.

  • Admin > Soft Skills > Notifications: Add supervisors to manage the activities (if allowing student activity requests).

  • Admin > Soft Skills > Colour Bandings: select band colours.

  • Admin > Soft Skills > Time Range: Enter the number of years for which activities should show for students.

  • Admin > Soft Skills > Portal Messages: Enter parent and student portal message (if enabling).